Curated Collection

Underrepresented & Overlooked

The curators focused on pieces that might not normally be granted design awards, as well as those pieces that felt important to our current times. Curated by Lindsay Ballant and Kathleen Tso.

The Collection

The Curators

Nancy Ariza

Nancy Ariza

Associate Curator of Learning and Engagement at Minnesota Museum of American Art

Lindsay Ballant

Lindsay Ballant

Art/Design Director at New Republic

Emmet Byrne

Emmet Byrne

Design Director and Associate Curator of Design, Walker Art

Blue Delliquanti

Blue Delliquanti

Comic Artist and MCAD Adjunct Professor

Neebinnaukzhik Southall

Neebinnaukzhik Southall

Artist, Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Writer

Kathleen Tso

Kathleen Tso

Co-Founder of Banana Magazine and Sr. Brand Communications Manager at Supreme



Fashion Designers and Founders of Black Hearts Ball